Upcoming Concerts and Talks

Lez Zeppelin LIVE!

Rare Acoustic Concert! Doors Open 2pm to tour. Concert Starts: 3pm. Cash Bar

Hailed by SPIN Magazine as “the most powerful all-female band in rock history” in the “tribute” bands genre, Lez Zeppelin has gained worldwide critical acclaim for the musicianship, passion and gender-bending audacity they bring to the music of Led Zeppelin.They have been featured on The BBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, MTV, VH-1, FOX and radio shows worldwide, including SIRIUS XM and NPR.Jimmy Page attended their show in London and said of the group, “They played the Led Zeppelin music with an extraordinary sensuality and an energy and passion that highlighted their superb musicianship.”

Proceeds of this concert go to support the artist-in-residence and heroes programs at O Street Museum

Pick a Date 7/27/2024

Available 11/17/2024

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